Break 2002 brought to you by
Waitng For Another One
March 17th, 2002
As any serious college bar patron knows, there are times when you just have to wait in line to get another brew. This is especially true at major sporting events (ie. OSU-Michigan football games '78-'83) and any huge gatherings of students such as Spring Break! At Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville, the Spring Break 2002 Sun Splash Tours Headquarters, last Sunday at the weekly "The Journey Begins!! Red Stripe Spring Break Kick-Off" there was two hours of free Red Stripe Beer with the purchase of one of the Sun Splash wristbands, some bands shown in the above photo as the free beer hours began on the beach! The Sunday Kick-Off party goes from 9pm to 2am - but the two free beer hours are announced at random so be sure to show up early and often at this and all of the freebie drink events during the week no matter which band you buy! And a hint for the thinking man's (person's?) drinker - just as tipping the waiter/waitress (waitperson?) always kept our pitcher full on the all you can drink night back at my favorite watering hole at Ohio State (The Underground - '78 - '82), a well placed tip might work wonders when the line looks long... (grin)
Daily Music News: The Negril Entertainment Network's next live webcast and chat from Fun Holiday and Roots Bamboo on Wednesday! For the latest music news, keep checking here, the Shows & Events listing or the Negril Message Board for more information about the live webcasts and chats! As the time for each live NEN event approaches, check for details on the Negril Message Board. These posts will guide you through the procedure to join in the live web cast and chat in the Negril Chat Room. To make it to the Negril Message Board click on the Main Menu above or below and then look for the Negril Message Board link!
At 11:51pm - a perfect evening... The temperature is 79° F, 24° C.
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