Break 2002 brought to you by
Have Another One!
March 16th, 2002
Spring Breakers will be Spring Breakers and being able to wind your way through a dancing crowd on the beach while not spilling that all precious golden hops and barley beverage is just a pop quiz during Spring Break 2002! The final exam comes about 5am when the decision to stay up or try and crash and get some kind of sleep must be made. Depending on how well you did on those pop quizes helps determine that weighty decision! Either way, you are on Spring Break and the choice is yours! Today's Negril Today page shows the evening crowd at Legends on the beach - a legenday Spring Break hot party spot in Negril!
Daily Music News: The Negril Entertainment Network will have it's next live webcast and chat from Fun Holiday and Roots Bamboo on Wednesday! For the latest music news, keep checking here, the Shows & Events listing or the Negril Message Board for more information about the live webcasts and chats! As the time for each live NEN event approaches, check for details on the Negril Message Board. These posts will guide you through the procedure to join in the live web cast and chat in the Negril Chat Room. To make it to the Negril Message Board click on the Main Menu above or below and then look for the Negril Message Board link!
At 1:36pm - it's a hot one today... The temperature is 86° F, 30° C.
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